Democratic Primaries
In reply to the discussion: OMG, he is scolding voters and saying their votes are wrong [View all]I think many people are misunderstanding Bernie Sanders. He is just trying to get across the purpose behind the campaign he is fronting is the campaign supported solely by individual small donations with the most progressive and innovative platform to sustain and invigorate our democratic form of government. He is simply trying to convince you as a human being to vote in your own best interest. This is what democratic socialism is. It is for you, it is for us. Think libraries ,infrasructure, firehouses, healthcare, education, environmental protection, etc., etc. He wants to represent investment in us by us and for us and make the changes you want to make a reality. Also, I have seen no evidence that Bernie Bros or any of the nasty bullying being attributed to him are actually associated with him or are even real .This is propaganda and too many people are naively influenced by it. I will vote for whomever wins the primary election.
primary today, I would vote for: Undecided