TRIGGER WARNING: Completely depressing story about the (non) Power Of Prayer (tm).
This happened Here in Darkest East Jesus-Stan, just a few weeks ago.
A young couple having their first child. Seemed to be a normal pregnancy, then something went horribly wrong. Piecing together local gossip, I think the baby's brain stopped developing. Scans also showed the baby would be born with serious physical defects.
The couple were young and healthy, and every doctor who looked at their case told them they should abort and try again. That doesn't happen very often around here - where an anti-choice member of the state legislature recently torpedoed an abortion law because it wasn't anti-abortion enough to suit him personally.
But the parents were also staunch anti-abortion Fundies and would not hear of an abortion.
The only medical facility that could handle the difficult birth was about 300 miles away. So when the woman came to term, they went there.
Accompanied by a local preacher and his Intercessory Prayer Team! I know this preacher - he's a loudmouthed ex-jock fond of sports metaphors. So I can just imagine him rallying the I.P.T. with speeches about how they would produce a healthy Miracle Baby and Win This One For Jesus.
That didn't happen. The baby didn't survive birth.
I'm sure not gloating about this. I think it's a horrible thing for everyone involved. But I also suspect the parents are dealing with tons of unnecessary guilt right now, thanks to their religious beliefs.
Or as somebody once observed: "Religion - the only business where the customers blame themselves for product failure."