Biden, as you know is a Scorpio.
His Sun (the birthday) is on Scorpio 27° - a degree ruled by the wise but stubborn star Toliman. Auspicious in a public service career - but prone to envy and enemies if not careful.
Biden has Sagittarius rising (i.e. what was on the eastern horizon - which is just as important as the Sun, influencing as it does the visible you). Specifically Sag. 2° - ruled by the professorial and shrewd star Yed Prior.
Sag. rising is one of the most auspicious, I think - making the person jolly and sociable (if sometimes irresponsible).
A problem Biden (of course) doesn't have, thanks to his Saturn trine (120° from) Neptune - the trine of trustworthiness.
(it's said the powers-that-be often look for this very trine in high-level administrators)
Biden also has Venus conjunct (within 10° from) his Ascendant (the rising angle). Graceful and nice-looking - just as he is.
His North Node (which rules fate), moreover, is conjunct the newsmaking star Regulus - prominent in the charts of many people who rise from obscurity. This was his destiny (though he could've also been a famous professor).
Now - Biden's Midheaven (career, reputation) is conjunct (at thoughtful Virgo 19°) the challenging Star Denebola: Reversals of fortune - but also great determination.
He also has the Moon (emotions, timing, health) well placed in Taurus 1° - ruled by the romantic and blessed star Mirach.
As he always says, "I married up!"
His Saturn conjunct Uranus in the 7th house (of relationships) gives him not only self-reliance, strength and intelligence (esp. in witty Gemini as it is) - but also attracts such people to him (starting with Jill - a Gemini herself).
Dreadful Saturn was squaring (90° from) this conjunction recently, which helps explain his approval problems throughout 2023 - but that's behind him now.
And generous Jupiter will be passing over that very conjunction this year - especially around convention time!
Lastly, Biden has his Jupiter in the 8th house (of death) - which might make him our nation's second centenarian president, God willing.
Conjunct dissipate Procyon however, his Jupiter warns of trouble by way of family members (Hunter) - but because it's the ever-giving Jupiter, they can be overcome.
That said, this was just a general overview - there's so much more to these things! But I picked out what I though were the salient points.
I hope you liked it - and as Jack Horkheimer liked to say, keep looking up!