Mundane Astrologer's Comments on Trump/Nikki Haley
TRUMPs planetary configurations (Saturn and Mars in Aquarius and Pisces) during the coming legal trials in March/April/May do not favor him. If they are not postponed, juries are likely to convict him, effectively removing him as a candidate. Trump, the former star of The Apprentice and Wrestle-Mania, will likely go crazy (not unusual) as the Libra lunar eclipse on March 25th hits his Neptune and the April 8 Solar Eclipse is opposite his Jupiter. He has already called immigrants vermin and stated he will become a dictator on day one if he is re-elected. Last month, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled him ineligible to be on the ballot due to his leading the insurrection on Jan. 6. The State of Maine followed. The Supreme Court will likely overturn these rulings.
Trumps progressed Moon in Scorpio will square (conflict with) his progressed Saturn in May while transiting Neptune (illusions and disillusion) will inconjunct (destabilize) his ascendant. Uranus (disruption) in his 10th House of Career will square his progressed Mercury, trine his Solar Arc Mercury, and sextile his natal Saturn. He will keep on ceaselessly talking. His progressed Sun is sextile his Natal Mercury, further reinforcing his diatribes. The transiting planets in the chart of the Republican Convention in July 2024, are also very unfavorable for Trump. Transiting Uranus and Mars in his 10th House of Career are square his Mars. However, if he is removed from the ticket, there may be violent protests. The person running for the presidency with the most favorable astrological chart by far for the Republicans is Nikki Haley, with Jupiter trine her Sun in May and Pluto on her Sun trine her Natal Saturn September through November. Her political positions lean toward the far right.
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(1,732 posts)lies not in our stars, but in that toxic tanning stuff we slather on ourselves.
(4,978 posts)Wishful-Thinking
(109 posts)Would you happen to have done that?
(22,850 posts)Biden, as you know is a Scorpio.
His Sun (the birthday) is on Scorpio 27° - a degree ruled by the wise but stubborn star Toliman. Auspicious in a public service career - but prone to envy and enemies if not careful.
Biden has Sagittarius rising (i.e. what was on the eastern horizon - which is just as important as the Sun, influencing as it does the visible you). Specifically Sag. 2° - ruled by the professorial and shrewd star Yed Prior.
Sag. rising is one of the most auspicious, I think - making the person jolly and sociable (if sometimes irresponsible).
A problem Biden (of course) doesn't have, thanks to his Saturn trine (120° from) Neptune - the trine of trustworthiness.
(it's said the powers-that-be often look for this very trine in high-level administrators)
Biden also has Venus conjunct (within 10° from) his Ascendant (the rising angle). Graceful and nice-looking - just as he is.
His North Node (which rules fate), moreover, is conjunct the newsmaking star Regulus - prominent in the charts of many people who rise from obscurity. This was his destiny (though he could've also been a famous professor).
Now - Biden's Midheaven (career, reputation) is conjunct (at thoughtful Virgo 19°) the challenging Star Denebola: Reversals of fortune - but also great determination.
He also has the Moon (emotions, timing, health) well placed in Taurus 1° - ruled by the romantic and blessed star Mirach.
As he always says, "I married up!"
His Saturn conjunct Uranus in the 7th house (of relationships) gives him not only self-reliance, strength and intelligence (esp. in witty Gemini as it is) - but also attracts such people to him (starting with Jill - a Gemini herself).
Dreadful Saturn was squaring (90° from) this conjunction recently, which helps explain his approval problems throughout 2023 - but that's behind him now.
And generous Jupiter will be passing over that very conjunction this year - especially around convention time!
Lastly, Biden has his Jupiter in the 8th house (of death) - which might make him our nation's second centenarian president, God willing.
Conjunct dissipate Procyon however, his Jupiter warns of trouble by way of family members (Hunter) - but because it's the ever-giving Jupiter, they can be overcome.
That said, this was just a general overview - there's so much more to these things! But I picked out what I though were the salient points.
I hope you liked it - and as Jack Horkheimer liked to say, keep looking up!
(109 posts)So if I read this correctly, stars are aligned for victory in 2024? God willing?
(22,850 posts)El Cheeto will have lucky Jupiter transiting over his Sun (personality, outward appearance) on Election Day - so that'll be a big plus for him, sorry to say.
My experience, though, is that a good Jupiter transit usually won't compensate for something like a horrible Saturn-Uranus-Moon T-square (which looks like the flap on an envelope, and is very problematic - especially that one).
Biden, for his part, will have a very helpful Neptune ("vibes" and imagination) and Pluto (power, the unseen). Good thoughts sent his way will be enhanced towards Election Day, and he may receive help from behind the scenes.
No help from naughty Uranus or Jupiter for him though - which means he'll have to always double-check anything, and make sure his people do as well.
(359 posts)Especially liked the fixed star info....big fan myself.
Can i tell you guys a story?
Years ago, i had a dream where a voice told me very clearly "the answer is in the FIXED STARS". i was totally asleep, but i managed to write that down on the hotel pad next to the lamp.
i was at an astrological convention and there were like 3 or 4 interesting talks in every time slot. So i went to bed not having made a decision or really looked seriously (figured i'd have coffee first...not a morning person lol). So i saw my note, which i really did not remember writing, but it was my handwriting. So i looked at the program and there it was...a talk on the fixed stars that morning.
It was excellent.
There are several good books about the stars. and this is the bible:
(22,850 posts)I've been studying astrology as a hobby for about 20 years - and I learn something new every time.
Perhaps the most interesting thing about fixed stars I've noticed, is that western civilization made the terrible mistake of starting each new year on January 1st.
Why? Because that date is ruled by Facies - the "fascist" star. Promotes war, violence, sickness, ostentation, speculation, and disingenuous acts of charity.
In other words, today's Republican Party.
The Asian New Year - which always starts on Aquarius (though not always under a kindly star) - is much more auspicious.
Qué será.
(94,642 posts)From first hand experience ans observing others that the Pluto passing over natal Sun with Saturn involved is not a good situation and it's lasts a long while. The worst time of my life was when that happened to me decades ago, it set the trajectory of my existence and it was not a positive overall thing. She needs serious security and to watch her every minute of life because everything could be at risk. exterior world can come crashing down around you. It's really hard time to get through, one could lose their mind.
(22,850 posts)Mine was my dreaded Saturn return in 2004/06.
But then - my Saturn is very afflicted: In Leo (rising!), in a Grand Cross with Uranus (3), Moon (DSC), and Chiron (9).
I'm convinced I'm only still around thanks to my Aquarius Moon (politics, detachment) trining as it does my Pluto and Mercury (Libra) - and because my Jupiter's in the 8th house.
Now, Trump's Pluto is now opposing his natal Pluto - and will be for the nest 4 years. So that's a major strike against his ambitions to return to the White House, as you know.
On the other hand, Jupiter will conjunct his Sun on Election Day (as his astrologer no doubt told him). Here's hoping that Uranus on his Midheaven will upset his plans.
We shall see...
(94,642 posts)I'm anticipating a major issue to come around for cheatolini right about when the solar eclipse happens, he was born during a solar eclipse. Maybe he'll leave during one.
(22,850 posts)I have that square in my own natal chart - and can attest to its detrimental power. You never completely get used to it.
I might add that Saturn will also be squaring his Moon - which, at his birth, was conjunct the dissipate star Ras Alhague (trouble with drugs and women - though the potential to find healing just when you need it most).
This, of course, creates a transiting T-Square for him. Which, as you know, means trouble ga'onteed.
(94,642 posts)peppertree
(22,850 posts)NJCher
(38,561 posts)An astrological chart can't tell whether she's met up with some sort of hazard or illness.
Around the time of her disappearance, her chart had a Sun Uranus square. This makes it propitious for an accident of some sort.
In addition Saturn squares her natal Saturn, which is in her 8th house. This is the house of sex, death, and rebirth. It's also the house of legacy, meaning through birth and inheritance. As we know because she has commented on it, her mother recently crossed over and she and her siblings are dealing with the house. However, I don't think the latter would cause her to completely stop posting as she has.
This is my input on this statement, not Peppertree's, but Saturn can also mean hard work. Coming to terms with things. It might mean she is awash in estate tasks. I've been there and I will say this: in some situations, time is of the essence, especially if the estate has not been planned and the proper papers not in place. It can be a time sink like you can't even imagine and in some situations, if you don't meet deadlines you can be out some money. You can be sitting in court for an entire day, just waiting....sometimes it's not even resolved.
Having said all that, she has some good aspects that might protect her. She has a Mars grand trine, and that's nothing to sneeze at. Peppertree says Pluto and the moon were in protective positions.