Actually, it's Christ and Moses who return and attend a service at St. Patrick's in New York.
Bishop Sheen is preaching.
"Christ and Moses are confused, because their route took them through Spanish Harlem, where ten people are living in a single room, and here's this guy who's wearing a ring that costs ten grand..."
Sheen eventually spots Christ and Moses, cuts his sermon short, and calls the Pope in Rome.
"Look, a couple of kids dropped in unexpected. Well, I can't talk now, it'll cause a scene. But here's a hint--(sings) 'With the cross of bah bah...' No, Not Zorro! Yes, Him! I know it's Him because of the glow. And he brought nice Jewish boy with Him.... Well, why can't you put them up at your place?...No, we just painted, the place is a mess..." Sheen continues to argue with the Pope, and there's this absolutely great line where Sheen whispers to the Pope, "Look, what are we payin' protection for?"
If you ever get the chance, look up "Lenny Bruce at Carnegie Hall" February 1961. He does a bunch of his best routines, "Christ and Moses," "A White White Woman and a Black Black Woman" "Las Vegas Tits and Ass." He does a great riff on the JFK inauguration, and makes what was in essence a plea for gay rights. Close to two hours of inspired comedy and scathing social commentary. He even talks about child sexual abuse. "Just because he's related doesn't absolve him..."
The man was at least decade ahead of his time.