Related: About this forumMUMMIFIED JESUS
I admit to being a little conflicted about liberal religious leaders because I believe they inadvertently provide cover for the notion that harmful fundamentalist religious beliefs must also be respected. Even so, this Presbyterian pastor in Austin, Texas often has some good things to say. Here's one:
Because Jesus isn’t here to defend himself, it is easy for some churches to use him as a mascot for causes of their own. The Jesus of cruel and superstitious religion is an idol, a mummified version of of the original
When churches use Christ to seek power over others, they are renouncing the Jesus who commanded them to take the lowest place.
When churches use Christ to preach culture wars against liberals and non-Christians, they are renouncing the Jesus who commanded them to love their enemies.
When churches use Christ to attack the LGBTQ community, they are renouncing the Jesus who commanded them not to judge.
When churches use Christ to defend ancient theological understandings over modern discoveries they are renouncing the Jesus who commanded them to “put new wine in new wineskins.”
When churches use Christ to to seek wealth and to ignore economic inequality, they are renouncing the Jesus who commanded them not to gather up treasures on earth.
When churches use Christ to impose their version of Christianity into the public square, they are renouncing the Jesus who commanded them not to make a show of religion.
When churches use Christ to bind people's minds to ancient superstitions, they are renouncing the Jesus who commanded them to seek those truths that set people free.

(23,955 posts)Ferrets are Cool
(22,096 posts)Just attacked the LGBTQ community, using the hammer of religion. I had kinda thought he was a decent person. This proves to me that he is not.
I wonder if this guy lives what he preaches. If so, good on him.
(65,642 posts)I hope He goes after the evangelicals first.
(8,830 posts)Actually, it's Christ and Moses who return and attend a service at St. Patrick's in New York.
Bishop Sheen is preaching.
"Christ and Moses are confused, because their route took them through Spanish Harlem, where ten people are living in a single room, and here's this guy who's wearing a ring that costs ten grand..."
Sheen eventually spots Christ and Moses, cuts his sermon short, and calls the Pope in Rome.
"Look, a couple of kids dropped in unexpected. Well, I can't talk now, it'll cause a scene. But here's a hint--(sings) 'With the cross of bah bah...' No, Not Zorro! Yes, Him! I know it's Him because of the glow. And he brought nice Jewish boy with Him.... Well, why can't you put them up at your place?...No, we just painted, the place is a mess..." Sheen continues to argue with the Pope, and there's this absolutely great line where Sheen whispers to the Pope, "Look, what are we payin' protection for?"
If you ever get the chance, look up "Lenny Bruce at Carnegie Hall" February 1961. He does a bunch of his best routines, "Christ and Moses," "A White White Woman and a Black Black Woman" "Las Vegas Tits and Ass." He does a great riff on the JFK inauguration, and makes what was in essence a plea for gay rights. Close to two hours of inspired comedy and scathing social commentary. He even talks about child sexual abuse. "Just because he's related doesn't absolve him..."
The man was at least decade ahead of his time.
(65,642 posts)I have heard of Lenny Bruce of course, but come to think of it I have never seen any of his routines. They sound like something I would love: progressive, highly irreverent, and wickedly funny.
I will look up the titles you reference.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Shermann
(8,870 posts)You couldn't have gotten away with all that in the year 100.
But every century the Sermon on the Mount becomes buried deeper and deeper in the past, and you can restate and repurpose the Bible a little more.
So it slowly evolves from one form to another which eventually barely resembles the original. Or, should I say, it is devolving?
(14,118 posts)longest-running con of all.
(40,915 posts)Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)And this is true from the very first ones all the way through present day.
marble falls
(63,666 posts)brooklynite
(96,882 posts)I thought he was everywhere…
(28,292 posts)