DonTheCon may be a failed robotic AI experiment; programmed with a dictator's authoritarian narcissistic traits, no real skills or human culture, no comprehension or ability to retain new knowledge, lack of empathy, curiosity, or generosity, etc...and with already programmable prurient interests, manufactured anatomically/functionally correct(?) as a body double with a daily dose of spray-tan on the PCR'd tissue and that Hair permanently implanted! GODLESS, and created by MAN! No other Gods Before ME? Charming, no? That's the thing that got elected to lead our nation.
I've considered that DARPA and other very private corporate subsidiaries mess around with far more than we know; just because they can with a bigly DoD budget. Ever watch Westworld; bots learning the game the longer they "exist" depending on how "guests" interact with them and rebootable. Realistic AI-equipped sex dolls can already be ordered up on-line with customized options.
OK, I'll STFU now. I believe organized religion, no matter which, has become corrupted and speak to their flocks with the tongues of serpents. I'd rather hedge my bets of belief on the "improvements" tacked up by Martin Luther, that's how I was brought up, afterall; but it's now a personal spirituality that recognizes the dark side of free will in humans and the awesomeness, beauty, and value of life and the universe's creation as we believe. That personal system gives me wide leeway to explore anything I need to cope with what it means to be human; so many choices! But there's a point when choices are irreversibly damning...change is possible though maybe not probable even when detected and treated early - Whatever the blessed or the damned may think, something, like death, happens to real humans. Machines fail; parts wear out! Humans just need to come to terms with their values in this world and their hopes and dreams when the energy that supports life goes out! Not sure that AI-equipped bots have that capacity no matter what they learn to say!