Racism v Inequality [View all]
There is an issue that I'm trying to define and I trust someone with a better handle on Civil Rights concepts will be able to shed some light.
Racism is easy to recognize when there are slur words involved, but most people are smart enough not to be that blatant, especially when it involves government actions. For example, is it racist when there are massive zoning changes that eliminate commercial and high density designations in favor of upscale, single family homes when it reduces affordable housing for minorities? Or is this an inequality issue? What is the difference?
This is only part of the puzzle. The other part involves the pooling of power. What if a person can prove that the power is pooled in the hands of a favored few who control the networks between the city government and private organizations? What if you can prove that those in power are intentionally keeping people ignorant in order to eliminate challenges to their authority? Is this a sign of inequality when those chosen few are able to enjoy the benefits of job opportunities and positive community recognition?
And, does evidence that such community arrangements still exist support the need for programs such as Affirmative Action?
That's where I'm at right now, trying to make sense of a community situation.