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Showing Original Post only (View all)Keep Fucking With Kamala Harris, Boys. You're Making Her Stronger. [View all]
Don't start no shit won't be no shit
Keep Fucking With Kamala Harris, Boys. Youre Making Her Stronger.
via Twitter Wonker @BewareSailor
On Tuesday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions sat his cattywampus ass down, lied to the Senate Intelligence Committee about why Donald Trump fired James Comey, refused to answer questions about his non-privileged conversations with the president, and STILL couldnt recall whether he had international relations with the Russian ambassador three times. One of the most memorable moments was when he made clear that, though he might be recused from the Trump-Russia investigation, I DID NOT RECUSE MYSELF FROM DEFENDING MY HONOR AGAINST SCURRILOUS AND FALSE ALLEGATIONS! Duly noted, sir!
But our favorite Sessions quote of all was, Im not able to be rushed this fast! It makes me nervous! Thats what he said when extremely mean black lady woman vagina-having whippersnapper Senator Kamala Harris was doing THAT THING SHE DOES asking really good rapid-fire questions, like the badass former prosecutor she is. Old Republican weasel-snatches in the Senate do NOT like it when she does that! Lets LOL at it again together:
But then it got even crazier. Senator Harris, like MANY OTHER senators, was trying to figure out precisely why the fuck Sessions wouldnt answer any questions about his conversations with Trump, who, again, had not invoked executive privilege in regards to Sessionss testimony. Sessions claimed to be following Department of Justice policy, and Harris wanted to know, hey, is this so-called policy a thing thats written down somewhere, or is it just some bullshit? There was a prolonged back-and-forth, but then A THING HAPPENED, which was 954-year-old Senator John Butterscotch Farts McCain, playing the part of INTERRUPTING COW, MOOOOOOOOOOO! Watch it:
McCain is not even a regular member of the intel committee, but that did not stop him from POUNDING HIS FISTS AND STOMPING HIS FEET, because the awful mean black lady senator was asking TOO MANY QUESTIONS. McCain must speak up for his fellow addle-brained morons, to demand that that woman over there STFU and let them answer! When McCain interrupted, committee chair Richard Burr reminded him that HE controlled the hearing, and then he promptly gave Sessions time to NOT answer the question. Sessions kept talking about principles, and did not confirm or deny whether he was referring to actual DOJ policy, or whether he was just making up shit to cover for Trump. After Sessions didnt answer the question, Burr quickly cut Kamala Harris off, because her time was expired. At least Burr gave McCain shit in this instance, because LAST WEEK, when McCain POUNDED HIS FISTS AND STOMPED HIS FEET at Kamala Harris, as she was interrogating Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Burr only scolded Harris, who was apparently not being sweet enough:
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Read more at https://wonkette.com/618610/keep-fucking-with-kamala-harris-boys-youre-making-her-stronger#rzOScOzbQwFzluxI.99