Genocide? The Land is ours? Data. [View all]
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by Lithos (a host of the Israel/Palestine group).
Change in Palestinian region population from 1880 through 1947 and from 1947 through the present day. I am unable to upload the graphs I have made, so no visuals, but readable nonetheless. I think it would be helpful to stop using the term genocide which is triggering for Jews and not meeting any definition that I can find for true genocide. 20,000 people, in my opinion, this 20,000 too many, and although does represent 2.5% of the population, which is huge, is not genocide all numbers. Nor, is there genocide or intent which is the main point. Through the years, there is clearly no support in the data for the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or group with the aim of destroying that nation or group of people, unless we are defining the attempt to eliminate Hamas as genocidal.
Of significance, the first set shows a large increase in Arab population starting with the British mandate as land started becoming more developed between 1918 and 1947, which does raise the question as to how many Arabs are truly "indigenous to the area" and the repeated claims of "the land is ours". It would seem that both the Jewish and Arab population grew by 500,000 during this period of time, and I would submit that both groups of immigrants have the same claim of presence on the land.
My data is not formatting well as you can see.
------------ Jewish pop-----Arab pop
1890 ----- 43,000 ----- 432,000
1914 ----- 94,000 ----- 525,000
1922 ----- 84,000 ----- 589,000
1931 ----- 175,000 ---- 760,000
1947 ----- 630,000 -- 1,181,000
The second group shows a paradoxical case of reverse genocide that Israel has committed since 1967 as shown by the markedly increasing population of Arabs in the Palestinian region. I would note that the growth between 1947 and 1967 when Gaza and the West Bank were administered to by Egypt and Jordan respectively has a lower slope than the rapid growth since Israel has overseen these lands. Note that these numbers include 2 million Palestinians living peacefully and non-genocidally in Israel and 670,000 jews living less peacefully in the West Bank.
--------Jewish Pop ---------- Arab pop
1947 -------630,000 ------ 1,181,000
1967 ----- 2,385,100 ----- 1,583,600
2005 ----- 5,563,800 ----- 3,943,000
2023 ----- 7,851,000 ----- 6,043,200