In reply to the discussion: Seven-person juries go into effect today. [View all]greatauntoftriplets
(177,162 posts)AUTOMATED MESSAGE: Results of your Jury Service
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On Thu Apr 3, 2014, 03:19 PM an alert was sent on the following post:
Seven-person juries go into effect today.
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
Whining about DU's technical glitches.
j/k Want to see if there are any obvious glitches right off the bat and what better post to send to a 7 member jury than Skinner's announcement thread.
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Thu Apr 3, 2014, 03:25 PM, and the Jury voted 0-7 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Juror #2 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: Oh please.
Juror #3 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: This is the most reasonable alert ever! El_Bryanto
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: WTF?
Juror #5 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: LOL. LLP
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: hunh... whaaaaaaaaa???! is this one of those glitches or.......?
Juror #7 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Thank you very much for participating in our Jury system, and we hope you will be able to participate again in the future.