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In reply to the discussion: Letter from cybersecurity experts about hand counting and 2024 election anomalies [View all]lapfog_1
(30,692 posts)that says, without evidence, the elections were secure... the audits would have shown problems...
Let me explain one more time. If you walked into a voting booth... and in front of you is a computer screen... and you make your selections and hit enter or vote... and you go home. There is NO audit none that can prove that how you voted is recorded correctly and tabulated correctly and reported to the state correctly, etc. None that cannot be fooled by clever enough hackers, especially those that have years to to create the hack and enough resources to corrupt enough machines. And no it doesn't matter if that voting machine is connected to anything... or where the summary of the votes is carried on USB drives to some other place where it is transmitted to the elections office, etc.
If you voted by mail with a paper ballot... or filled out a paper ballot ( like I did ) and dropped it in a drop box and then is was scanned by a tabulator... and essentially at that point enters a "voting machine"... unless the audit gets all of the paper ballots and counts them BY HAND... at least a few times... and the vote totals are compared by hand to the reported vote totals... there is no audit a decent hacker can't fake out.
Trump will win the vote in the swing states by, say, 4 percent? That means only 2 percent of the vote has to be switched from Kamala to Trump. There was no red wave in the House... they end up with what a handful of House seats for their majority? And the Senate by 1 or 2 seats in an election that favored Republicans gaining seats anyway ( in 2 years it will favor Democrats ). Any hack that is sophisticated would not flip every vote... not every voting machine needs to be hacked. In fact you want to install a hack on only a few machines... and have the hack clean up after the vote is over... so that it check out fine and any test run after the fact shows only what is expected.
This is not to say that there is evidence this happened. But to say "it is possible".
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