Pete should have resigned as mayor before he announced for POTUS [View all]
Every disgruntled political foe (no matter how minor, down to rabble-rousing pseudo community organisers) are out gunning for him back in South Bend, and the TYT/Bernie alliance has been down there for months, digging up dirt. Now the national media is being spoon-fed negatively-slanted spin stories.
Missing the Fish Fry, whilst the right thing to do morally, is pretty much a coffin nail in any hopes he had for generating new SC momentum. Being mayor is really unique, as he is going to be blamed for everything under his watch, unlike a congressperson or a governor.
That New York Times article a couple days ago was just brutal. Complete hit job, and also re-hashed every major issue that is used against him.
Now this shit is going on:
Memorial for man shot by South Bend police officer is vandalized for third time
If he can manage this balancing act, he REALLY is ready for the presidency.