Our Poverty Myth [View all]
So why cant a hardworking family get ahead? For one thing, its expensive to be poor.
Try finding an affordable place to live. You need to have enough cash on hand to pay a deposit. Many apartments require you to prove your income is 2.5 times the cost of the rent.
Public assistance programs only help the most destitute, and often dont provide enough even then.
For the disabled, the situation is worse. In theory, Social Security provides for those with disabilities. In reality, getting approved for disability payments is costly (in both medical and legal fees) and difficult. Once you get approved, disability payments are low, condemning you to poverty for life.
In short, there are many reasons why poor Americans are poor. It doesnt help that our society thinks its their own fault.
In a May 2009 article for Labor Notes, Malcolm Harris, then-president of the UUR wrote: We are proud of our work to build SEIU and through these efforts hope to rescind the layoffs, win a decent contract, and push SEIU to uphold the values it claims to represent dignity, respect and fair treatment of workers. Then we can get back to our real work, building the labor movement.