O'Malley's Social Security plan is bold, progressive. [View all]
'On Dec. 6 I attended AARP Iowas New Leadership forum with Martin OMalley, and I was impressed. Martin OMalley has a bold and progressive plan to expand Social Security for all Americans.
Expanding benefits means all beneficiaries monthly benefits will go up, in a progressive way that helps lower- and middle-income people the most. It means annual cost-of-living increases will go up. It means that women and other caregivers wont be penalized under Social Securitys benefits formula for taking time off to care for a child, elderly relative or other loved ones. And it means that no one who worked 30 years on a job will have to retire in poverty.
While Martin OMalley has been fighting against cuts to Social Security, Hillary Clinton has left that door open. Clinton would undermine what's worked about Social Security for 80 years that it is a benefit all workers earn and instead make Social Security more like a welfare program. This is the same damaging rhetoric used by Republicans.
In the past, Clinton has allied herself with Republicans who would reduce benefits by reducing cost-of-living adjustments or means-testing benefits. She continues to use similar language today.
As Democrats, it is time to stand up for our values and call for the expansion of Social Security for all beneficiaries. Not cutting benefits, or merely enhancing them," raising the retirement age or undermining benefits in any way.
Martin OMalley has the right plan to expand, not just enhance, Social Security for all Americans.'