Populist Reform of the Democratic Party
In reply to the discussion: Fasten your seatbelts. We're going to experience some turbulence. [View all]KoKo
(84,711 posts)Last edited Wed Apr 15, 2015, 12:33 PM - Edit history (1)
Supporting Progressive websites, posting videos from Thom Hartmann and "Free Speech TV," donating to "Common Dreams," "Nation of Change," "Alternet," "Truth Dig," "Truth Out" and others. Al Gore tried with "Current TV" and other groups tried with "Radio America" with Ed Shultz and other voices who then moved on to MSNBC....but the funding was never there or people weren't interested enough for an alternative to Limbaugh and Fox.
BUT they need lots of MONEY....and the money has dried up since our Dem was elected to two terms.. so some sites have had to go to Adds for revenue and others have had to be on shoe string budgets constantly begging for money to keep afloat.
MONEY RULES...as we can see with our Candidates since "Citizens United" and people have to Search for Alternative Media whereas most average Working Americans only have time to turn on the TV or listen to the Radio in Commutes and Convenience is what Alternative Media can't offer because they can't get the airtime because they don't have a way to break into the Corporate Controlled Mainstream Media as "NYC_SKYP's" post has show.
The worst thought is that we Progressive Dems just don't have a message that sells with ordinary people. I don't believe that. But, I do believe there are those in Power who want us to think that.
Anyway...that's what I've concluded.