there were many Republicans, I found out, who simply quit the DOJ because of Bush/Cheney's abuse of the Constitution.
I remember the day Comey resigned eg. I didn't know much about him other than he was the assistant AG and had stood in for Ashcroft while he was in the hospital.
Normally I couldn't bear to watch any Republican on TV at that time, but something about him caught my attention.
I couldn't put my finger on it but he seemed to be trying to send a message. And he was crying. What he said was something along the lines of: 'I want to thank all of you who worked with me to preserve this country's system of justice'. And then he said 'to those of you who are no longer with us, I want to think you also'.
It was weird, he had tears in his eyes, and 'those of you no longer with us'! I got the feeling they were not there for a reason and he was thanking them for something other than their service.
Later we learned the whole story. And his demeanor and words that day made more sense to me. We know now that many people in Bush's DOJ who knew if they spoke out, what would happen to them, decided to leave rather than participate in the law breaking of that administration.
And when you look, had we not been so blindly partisan, most of the Whistle Blowers from that era were Republicans.
And they were persecuted, so I can understand people whose consciences would not allow them to continue, even though it meant an end to what could have been a great career enhancer for them, didn't blow the whistle, but they quit.