2 mg in April. I was only to help with my blood sugar (A1C at 7.7). My doctor requested the increase from my V.A. doctor who reluctantly agreed and pointed out studies that showed little difference when going from 1 to 2 mg.
I lost all interest in snacking or eating anything between meals. I don't feel hungry then. I eat meals 1/3 to 1/2 as big and feel full. As an example, we'd go to a local inexpensive place that has a Thursday lunch special of 4 pork ribs, choice of 2 sides, 3 hushpuppies and a drink (for me Diet soda). I would eat it all. After going to 2 mg, I ate ONE rib, ONE side, 2 puppies and the diet soda. Gave wife the other side and took the 3 other ribs home. They, along with some carrots or celery constituted another lunch. Before and after, I would skip the BBQ sauce (hi in sugar). Similarly, at dinner, I would go from eating 3/4 of a sirloin steak to 1/4 and then get 3 reheated meals from the rest of the steak.
Between March and this month, I lost 24 pounds. A1C went from 7.7 to 6.3. Pants waist decreased 4". I dropped the 5mg of daily Glipizide and reduced long term insulin from 40 to 30 units because my fasting numbers were ranging from 44 to 60s half the days. Doctor had me drop blood pressure medication by 3/4 because it was really low. I feel great. Strangely, in the past with those lows intermittently occurring, I could easily tell I had to wake up my wife to help me take some sugar and could feel the effects of the lows with dizziness and confusion. Now, while I act just as quickly, I have no negative effects whatsoever.
I guess, for me, the 1mg to 2 was the tipping point between having an effect on my sugars and having an effect on my appetite.