and other sugar alcohols.
Stevia (pure) in every study conducted to date is safe. Erythritol like the other sugar alcohols can cause GI upset (albeit less so than maltitol), including diarrhea, though dose and effects vary by individual. But like maltitol and sorbitol, erythritol is not digested, but fermented by gut bacteria, so those with a certain "uniquely-normal" individual flora are more susceptible to GI upset. While generally considered safe when evaluated by FDA, emerging studies are questioning it as well as most other artificial sweeteners. Personally, I avoid it because I closely follow the epidemiologic and clinical literature and I suspect ongoing studies may change our assessment. I only use pure Stevia. The only reason Erythritol was added to stevia was to allow for trademarking as a commercial product. Boy, did we fall for it. Inulin (a naturally occurring fiber source can be added to prevent clumping without adulterating. But even FDA considers added erythritol to be an additive/adulterant, albeit safe (for now). On the rare occasion, I will ingest something with sugar alcohols (rarely) it is one serving only. Others may fare better (be less susceptible to side effects) but I don't need them that much. Certainly not a good choice for the family car road trip if you follow my drift...
The WHO is not including diabetics in their current oppositional guidelines re: artificial sweeteners, but I consider that a "placeholder" pending the result of ongoing studies in multiple countries. The future may change that assessment: