Earthrise--in the Before Times [View all]
Today's APOD (Astronomy Pic Of The Day) which, being Sunday, is a reposting from a past APOD, is one of the best they've ever done. Just watching this astounding event makes hope spring up.
...Earth begins to rise. Never seen by humans before, the rise of the Earth over the limb of the Moon occurred about 55.5 years ago and surprised and amazed the crew of Apollo 8. The crew immediately scrambled to take still images of the stunning vista caused by Apollo 8's orbit around the Moon. The featured video is a modern reconstruction of the event as it would have looked were it recorded with a modern movie camera...
A truly amazing accomplishment, a truly amazing video creation.
Of course, if one were standing on the surface of the moon, the earth would never rise nor set as moon is gravitationally locked to always have the same face to the earth—thus the earth is always risen. Only from the magical perspective of a lunar orbiter is it possible for any creature to see this wonderous sight
Fortunately, all earth creatures can look to the night sky and see the rising and setting of The Moon and be calmed by this also amazing, if much more common, sight.

Moon rising over Mt Rain