Bumble Bees at Play Bring a Bit of Needed Joy into the World [View all]
A study published about a year ago strongly suggests that Bumble Bees actually PLAY
I came across the study in
Nature Newsletter (It is from 22 Nov—this apparently will not show up until the 23rd) which reported that the bee study had been awarded China’s Pineapple Science Award in biology!
The study monitored the behavior of 45 bumble bees that were
given the options of walking unobstructed to a feeding area or deviating into an area with wooden balls. The bees repeatedly chose to roll the balls instead of eating, suggesting that the activity was rewarding.
Nicknamed “China’s Humorous Nobel Prize,” the Pineapple Science Award recognizes interesting and imaginative scientific research that arouses the public’s enthusiasm for science. It was launched in 2012 by the Zhejiang Association for Science and Technology, with
previous winning research including studies into why mosquitoes do not die from raindrops and why vacationing can extend one’s life…
There are links to other uplifting research in the above article 😊
It made me *SMILE*
Clearly, as most discussions of scientific papers conclude:
more such research is needed!