Barren Island "Moonscape" Transformed Into Wildlife Haven [View all]

A rewilding success story is being celebrated in the Caribbean where, in just a few short years, the barren moonscape of the island of Redonda has been transformed into a lush wildlife sanctuary. Now named the Redonda Ecosystem Reserve, it’s been assigned protected status, becoming one of the largest protected areas in the Caribbean...
key step in the island’s rewilding involved removing invasive rats and goats that had been introduced by European colonizers and had a devastating impact on native plant and animal species. With them gone, the total vegetation
biomass has increased by over 2,000 percent, luring back 15 species of land birds and allowing the population of lizards to thrive...
A remarkable achievement! Especially given that "Redonda" is Spanish for "Round" and if you look at the before/after image of the island it could have well been named "Roca Redonda" ("Round Rock"

before being brought back to life.
Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature – the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.
Rachel Carson (in Silent Spring)