where climate and weather are concerned, is inappropriate. Yes, there's beyond-enormous change, most destructive of what we've known, but the change is extremely complex, not all one direction to the "end."
Scientists are busily studying every event for clues in what's happening to what can be done. I tried to nudge my 3 grandsons toward one of the many fields growing up to save the planet, but no takers so far. They have their own dreams, happily good ones too.
The new climate doomers, just as inevitable as deniers have been, need to keep their heads on straight and not be carried away in what's likely to become floods of doom-based opposition to the work others commit to.
Most of the serious doomsaying will be faith, not science, based, of course -- secular or religious based faith, or just general woo-woo, all the same, and it will grow into resistant, oppositional "things." Passions tied to other passions those involved are the last to admit or understand. Nothing anyone here would want to be part of, except for those who find transcendent wisdom in it of course.
Happy Monday.