Small acts of kindness are frequent and universal [View all]

Even more heartening, as the unrelated pic above
(from an article on social grooming) shows, such behaviour may have been around for a very long while indeed.
Around the world...people help each other about every 2 minutes...
A study found that people around the world signal others for assistance every couple of minutes. The research, which examined behaviors in towns and rural areas in several different countries, revealed that people comply with these small requests for help far more often than they decline them. The findings suggest that people from all cultures have more similar cooperative behaviors than prior research has established...
Across cultures, people comply with these small requests far more often than they decline them. On the rare occasions when people do decline, they explain why.
Those human tendencies -- to help others when needed and to explain when such help can't be given -- transcends cultural differences, suggesting that, deep down, people from all cultures have more similar cooperative behaviors than prior research has established...