Awareness, in order to create respect for ALL occupiers' and supporting activists' (such as Sierra Club's) freedom to make THEIR OWN CHOICES about whatever happens, and creative awareness in "what you do about it" so that the message TTE "We are free autonomous individuals acting together to do WHATEVER IS NECESSARY to support OUR OWN collectively held objectives" is un-mistakable.
It happens that part of what worked for OccupyWichita et al and the Sierrans was the presence of a wild-card in our midst, a free-poet with OccupyKU who spontaneously began to riff on tree-money/people's-script, after dialogue between OccupyKochTown and counter-protesters in front of Koch HQ had gone on for a while and had progressed to a point at which things such as money, work, and "value" were under consideration in the discussion.
The free poet presented with a large enough presence, DRAMATIC appearance, and large vocal projection, that he dominated and broke to a certain extent the impromptu GA that was occurring between Occupy and counter-protesters. He brought a relatively large and INTERESTING element of anarchy to what was going on, not out of control, but also CLEARLY not under the control of the occupier who was facilitating that impromptu GA. What was also interesting and powerful about this was that the free poet WAS riffing about money, tree money, and after clearly establishing his self-chosen role in events at that point, he and the facilitating occupier spontaneously switched roles again, the GA continued briefly and then adjourned and then was followed by occupiers who chose to do so linking arms and standing at the police-barricade to people's mic their intentions to stay committed and to return to Koch HQ. They also repeatedly people's miced their solidarity with the police as workers and invited them to occupy with them wherever, which is to me another element of CLEARLY asserting the occupation's autonomy vs. TPB.