Last edited Sun Dec 18, 2016, 04:58 PM - Edit history (1)
But it has done its job which is foster distrust of Government, and Conservatives dislike Government. To destroy institutions, target people's faith in those institutions. The focus should be to get rid of* what ails us, fix what needs to be improved and fortify what already works.
I've accepted that moneyed interests and the 1% will want to involve themselves and exert influence, I expect them to. Rich people are citizens too, but the problem is when we, average citizens, opt out of the conversation and the grab for power by not showing up. Or when we quarrel and treat our allies as enemies because any plutocrat - depending on ideology- can take advantage of these divides. Imagine if we had a 100% voter turn out, there would be an immediate effect on all branches of government. So our grassroots activism has to deal with the civic ignorance that abounds and how opting out of political involvement contributes to "learned helplessness" . Citizens have to do their bit - we must always remember we have power, voting matters, despite what George Carlin says in a joke routine or anybody else.
If BOBusters think they had it rough this year, PUMA08 had even more legitimate complaints - I don't want to rehash bad blood and spill more milk, but the Dems need to rethink how nominees are selected - anything which reeks of selection by leadership ( and for me personally - caucuses) will leave a bad taste in the mouth ( to HRC's credit she again won the popular vote in the Primaries this year) So there are legitimate changes we can ask for at the operational level and in the hierarchy of the democratic party. But nothing supersedes the importance of acting cohesively to get our priorities on the agenda when the choices are so stark and the possibilities so perilous.