a liberal bias, ironically, because the media has been telling them this for 30 years. They have manufactured this fact. If there is any sense that the media IS corporate in the public, that only serves their poor understanding of what liberal stands for. WE as a party, have abdicated the responsibility of educating people on this, and I'm sorry, that's not because we couldn't make a compelling case, its because it has been inconvenient for our party to point to the money for a very long time.
The whole process IS FUCKED. What about our politics today makes you think otherwise? Cynicism does decrease voting, you're right. Why don't we give people something to be optimistic about already, because trying to convince them that things aren't fucked is a lie, and a losing battle anyway. It just makes us look like part of the problem. The system is rigged against people, marginalized groups to the extreme, but everybody who isn't in the top 1% and we can't convince them that we are doing something for them when we are telling them that we are going to work with those very people who are screwing us to screw us less. You know who else they can't convince? Those very people they are going to work with to screw us less. We are a nice back-up plan should their a-team of hacks overreach. Then they have their second-string to give the people some modicum sense of change and amelioration of their suffering. Rinse, repeat.