2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: Fuck the braindead notion that we can say "Fuck the white working class." [View all]Sorceress
(309 posts)It is a privilege to be able to vote for a racist, bigoted vision of this country's future because racism and bigotry don't personally affect you. It doesn't prevent you from getting jobs. It doesn't prevent you from driving to said job and being late due to being pulled over for a DWB. It doesn't prevent you from calling the police when you need help for fear that the police will turn on you and become more dangerous than the actual criminal. It is a privilege to only have to worry about your pocketbook and not the social ramifications of a Trump presidency. People can be salty about it if they want but there it is.
These voters may be sick of the phrase white privilege but I am sick of ignorance. Here we are turning on each other and going for the jugular over whose fault it is that we lost. The DNC screwed it up. We ran too flawed a candidate. She had too much baggage. The strategy was all wrong, etc., etc. Admittedly, some of these things may be true as Clinton did not run a perfect campaign. But ultimately, I blame the voters. It was their civic duty to educate themselves. It was their civic duty to vote their interests. We can't do all the work for them. So, buckle your seat belts. Unfortunately, it is going to take the country crashing a burning to get them to wake up.