Introductions and discussion regarding our new group [View all]
Hi All,
As the host of this group, I want to thank everyone that supported the idea of this group and helped make it a reality, and especially thank Skinner, Elad and EarlG for their support.
I thought an introduction and discussion of the group's purpose would be appropriate. I'm Oxy, I live in Seattle and practice with the Mindfulness Community of Puget Sound in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh (we call him Thay). We are fortunate to have a beautiful teacher that received the transmission directly from Thay 20 years ago. I learn something from her each time I am in her presence and fortunate enough to hear her teach the Dharma.
I am a native North-westerner. Born and raised in Portland, OR (lived there most of my life) and moved to the Seattle area about 15 years ago.
I so look forward to getting to know everyone and learn from your experience. I see the group as a non-sectarian, safe place to discuss Buddhism and perhaps a vehicle for Buddhists to have the opportunity to practice Engaged Buddhism. I believe strongly that all paths should be respected and honored.
I look forward to meeting everyone and hearing your suggestions for the group.
A lotus for you, Buddha to be. _/l\_