the anxiety and -- and a natural predisposition to sweat whether nervous or not -- just didn't work for me. Heck, I'd probably have an anxiety attack and go running down the hall.
I speak before adults a lot, but it's usually an hour and I take off afterwards. I finally just started carrying a big towel and when my head started sweating I pulled it out and dried off. Folks always got a kick out of that, so that helped some.
Made it through college with very good test scores, research papers, etc., but hardly ever spoke in class and always sat in the very back or by the door. Used to have projects and would try to get in with a group of the football players -- or slackers -- because I knew I could convince them that I'd handle it and they'd all make "As." They were quite receptive.
We adapt. I have gotten much better.
Also when my wife passed away years ago, I found that on-line dating services were made for someone like me. I've since met someone who understands loners and we get along great, especially if I'm willing to do a few things that I'm not as comfortable.
I bet you were a great teacher.