It appears to me to follow as a consequence of committing to a belief system and then inventing psychiatric rationalizations sans empirical evidence or even suggested mechanism logically derived from empirical evidence.
The notion that a human egg has both consciousness of anguish and creates operable memory of anguish that controls gametic, zygotic, embryonic, fetal and post natal development of self far exceeds any reasonable stretch to which one might incorporate contemporary understanding of neuroscience. At first glance we might suspect such an explanation as it answers far too much, but on inspection it's much worse. These descriptions are based on beliefs in the existence of as yet undemonstrated molecular mechanisms for emotional awareness and emotional memory in gametes.
This stuff is simply devoid of evidence and as such it is frankly unacceptable.
Walk through the biological requirements for such phenomena...there is no demonstrated evidence for the cellular and or molecular mechanisms that must be involved for unicellular haploid individuals to acquire emotional memory (honestly there is not even evidence that human or other gametes have emotional memory). Nor is there evidence that such emotional memory is propagated forward via cell divisions from gamete to zygote and on into the millions of cells of a post-natal brain to contribute to a 'narcissistic lesion' in the functioning of neural tissues that cause the individual to seek narcissistic supply. To believe it you must accept a remarkably Lamarkian view of the acquisition and inheritance of memory.
Apologetic adherents of this stuff find fault not in their theory but in people who examine it. The psychoanalytic proponents of this stuff explain that what seems a lack of evidence is a consequence of the complex and difficult language with which it is discussed
Hardly. This stuff is just dreamwork. Accepting it simply requires the same skills as reading a book of fantasy or science fiction--the willful suspension of belief in the goodness of evidence and the existing understanding.