About religion is how many of the its determined adherents manage to incorporate some of the worst aspects of our technology heavy society into their worldviews, neatly skipping any science that is inconvenient (evolutionary biology, ecology). The religious also appear to side-step the philosophical or ethical sophistication that should go with access to the tools science provides us with.
Not that there are no crass/nihilistic atheists/agnostics but still..it is a bit noteworthy how often faith and destruction go hand in hand-use of the tools modernity provides sans any of the enlightenment that should go with access to those.
They skip the parts of faith (most faiths have some stuff about not hating other people e.g.: turn the other cheek; not being cruel to animals e.g.: ahimsa; not being greedy or crass..effortful stuff that gets the axe first) that are effortful or inconvenient while retaining all the superstitions, the parades and hatreds.
Even as an atheist I appreciate ahimsa for instance as a vegan. Jesus himself seemed like a cool person- he was basically a reformer and crucified for that.
But again, the effortful stuff gets the axe first.