ok, working out my statement on prayer at govt meetings. [View all]
first, thanks to all who shared their thoughts in this thread-
since this is such a sticky thing, i really appreciate feedback from folks w different views on this.
tempted as i am to just say- read the 1st amendment you stupid fuckwads- i doubt that will change any minds. plus this has been blown completely out of proportion, and i dont want to add any fuel to the fire.
so, here is my first draft. it has to be fairly short, but there is plenty of room to add to this.
one would hope that the members of this board base their decisions on facts, law and the needs of constituents. none of these things depend on intervention of the almighty, whichever almighty you might believe in.
many people think that our laws come out of the basics of decency put forth in the 10 commandments. but there is nothing special about the xtian 10. these same guides to morality at included in most world religions. because they do not come down from the sky. they spring from the basic sense of fairness and decency from which springs the ability of the human animal to live in groups and get along and govern themselves. the central tenant of that is to regulate our behavior w a consideration of it's impact on the whole.
to start the meeting w prayer is to deny that simple truth that we are here to be our brother's keeper, not our god's servant.