and went looking for a grief group. I called the VA and went to a bunch of atheist websites but in the heart of the bible belt there was nothing closer than 100 mile drive away. So, I went to one of the groups in a local church.
The woman who led it the first week, was very nice and didn't push the religious crap. The next weekly session some arrogant, god talking, pushy man led the group. He is the type of person I would let loose on. He is just so arrogant and so so stupid. And we suddenly all had to pray and crap, though of course I didn't. If he does that hand holding prayer crap, I am never ever going back.
So, his fucked up god killed off both my wife and mother and I'm suppose to turn to this deity to console me? Well, give me back my loved ones then I'll believe in your god. Why is this all powerful god going to give me comfort when it is the one that caused all the pain by killing off my family member? These people really don't think through their logic. You can't blame god for the bad things but only give it credit for the good things. And once it's done a whole lot of bad to you, you are suppose to turn to it for relief of mourning.
And Yes I do think I'm a whole lot smarter than god pushers. The ones I feel sorry for are the other people in the group with me. They are suffering and turning to this imaginary fairy being that's never going to help them. My heart goes out to them, but that god pusher, he's the one I'm going to be an asshole to. And feel good about it too.