Sarah Huckabee Sanders thinks that God is a role-model to kids. [View all]
Sarah Sanders, asked how she would explain Trump tweets to her children: "we all have one perfect role model. i point to God"
"You see, kids, you should try to be more like God. He loves us humans and he created paradise for us. He knew that we would disappoint him, because he can look into the future, and got really angry when we eventually did disappoint him. So, kids. Be more like God. If you know that somebody will let you down, don't talk to them. Wait until they have actually disappointed you and THEN talk to them."
"You see, kids, you should try to be more like God. Do you remember the story of Noah? The world was a bad place and then God sent the flood and killed everybody except for the people in Noah's Ark. So, kids. Be more like God. If the world is a bad place, don't waste your time making it a better place. Destroy everything, burn down everything, kill everybody, so we can have a clean restart."
"You see, kids, you should try to be more like God. Do you remember the story of Iob? How God wanted to win his bet with Satan really, really hard and killed Iob's kids to win the bet? So, kids. Be more like God. If you have a chance to win, let nothing get in your way. If you have to kill somebody to win, so be it."
"You see, kids, you should try to be more like God. Do you remember the story of Onan? He was supposed to have Sex with his dead brother's wife, but he didn't want to. And God cursed him. So, kids. Be more like God. If somebody does not want to have Sex, they are bad people."
"You see, kids, you should try to be more like God. Do you remember the first three of the Ten Commandments? Thou shalt not pray to other gods. Thou shalt not make an image of God. Thou shalt not use God's name in vain. So, kids. Be more like God. You are the best and nobody deserves better treatment than you. No photos. And nobody is allowed to talk about you behind your back. If they do, punish them."