What It’s Like to Live in the Capital of the ‘Caliphate’ [View all]
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Interesting look from the inside of the ISIS paradise-on-earth:
What Its Like to Live in the Capital of the Caliphate
By Marwan Hisham, Foreign Policy Magazine, 18 hours ago
...These lecture series begin with an explanation of the Muslim statement of faith: There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is the messenger of Allah. They end with an explanation of specific details regarding the Islamic States interpretation of Islam, such as the special rules pertaining to women during their menstrual periods. By the time they graduate, students are indoctrinated into the entirety of the Islamic States ideology...
The severity of the Islamic States punishments seem to depend completely on the whims of the members inflicting them. In one particular lesson, Abu Fatima seemed particularly angry.
By God the Glorious, not a single smoker will pass my exam and get a voucher that earns him the money of mujahideen, he screamed. Nor a cuckold who lets his wife go out unveiled!
Of course, Xians are nothing like these infidel Off-Brand believers...
The Islamic State always describes any hardship or new restriction as resulting from the sins of those afflicted, and the Friday sermon that followed this decision was no exception. People disobey God, and as such God inflicts upon them suffering, a fighter preached.