This Week in God.... (Maddow blog) [View all]
First up from the God Machine this week is an interesting shift in Americans attitudes towards Pope Francis in advance of his U.S. visit in September. MSNBCs Eric Levitz reported this week on the latest survey results from Gallup.
Americans are losing faith in Pope Francis, according to a Gallup poll released Thursday.
The Popes favorability rating in the U.S. has fallen from 76% in early 2014 to 59% today, roughly where it stood at the start of his papacy.
Gallups report noted that the most striking change dragging down the popes U.S. support is the changing attitudes of American conservatives. Last year, 72% of conservatives said they had a favorable opinion of Francis, while this year, the number stands at just 45%
To put that in perspective, Gallup also noted this month that among Republicans, 49% have a favorable opinion of Donald Trump suggesting that on the right, Trumps message is resonating slightly more effectively than the Vaticans.
The report added, This decline may be attributable to the popes denouncing of the idolatry of money and linking climate change partially to human activity, along with his passionate focus on income inequality all issues that are at odds with many conservatives beliefs.
(the rest)