This Week in God.... (Maddow blog) [View all]
First up from the God Machine this week is a major court ruling in Oklahoma, where state officials have been told to stop promoting one religions scared tenets on the Capitol grounds. The Tulsa World reported this week:
The Oklahoma Supreme Court on Tuesday said the Ten Commandments monument at the state Capitol must be removed.
The plaintiffs said its placement at the Capitol constituted the use of public property for the benefit of a system of religion, which is banned by the Oklahoma Constitution.
State law isnt especially ambiguous. Section II-5 of the Oklahoma Constitution says public property cant be used to benefit or support any sect, church, denomination, or system of religion, either directly or indirectly. When state lawmakers approved a monument to the Protestant version of the Ten Commandments, it was hard to even imagine how this could be legally permissible.
The state Supreme Court issued a 7-2 ruling against the government-endorsed religious display, siding in support of a suit brought by the ACLU of Oklahoma.
The Republican-led state legislature has been a little hysterical since the decision was handed down, and state House Speaker Jeff Hickman (R) said impeachment proceedings against the Supreme Courts majority will be seriously considered.
(more at the link)