Dawkins annoying the faithful on Twitter again... [View all]
Context: in Canada, a soccer team from a private Islamic school refused to play against a team with 2 girls on it. The girls volunteered to bench themselves and sit out the game.
Dawkins comment:
"This is sheer bigotry."
"But it's Islamic bigotry."
"Oh SORRY that's different. Islamic bigotry gets a free pass."
Yep, that pretty much nailed it. (No offense intended to Xians.)
The Islamic coach insists this has NOTHING to do with bigotry, nosiree:
Free mixing is generally something we do not do, more so out of respect than anything, he said.
Abdool-Karim said the team tried to have an open dialogue and explain to the other team that it is their belief...
If they face the same team again he doesnt think they will play them.
We want inclusion for all. We are trying to find a solution to a problem, he said.
So it's really all about respect for females. And INCLUSION! And of course, all together now - Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs.
If I believed in a world of happy endings - the all-male Islamic school team would find itself in a match with an all-female Jewish team. And get its ass kicked.
Bonus Hilarity in the same Twitter thread - Muslim cleric declares the Earth is shaped like an ostrich egg, JUST AS PREDICTED IN THE KORAN!1! Checkmate, science!