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I'm a member of the Maryland Choral Society, a wonderfully talented chorus. It humbles me to think that I passed an audition and was accepted into this group.
It seems to be assumed that everyone in this group sings in a church choir and is a Christian. The president of the chorus is a Baptist pastor. I'm an atheist.
I can deal with this. I can sing sacred texts and standard religious carols and such. I see myself as an actor when I do this. The words mean nothing to me.
I'm facing something unique in my life. I'm somewhat apprehensive about coming out as an atheist. I wouldn't make an announcement, but I would come out in one-on-one conversation. I have already been asked twice what church I sing with. I just said "none right now" once and "this is my only group right now" to the other.
It is not important to me to flatly set the record straight. I don't have any notions that I must be true to myself, to be out fully so that I can sleep at night.
I just don't like dodging questions, and am apprehensive about how/when to answer fully.
Your thoughts?
Oh - just got an email from the president. A member's toddler grandson died today, and he's asked us to remember the family in prayer. This is an email to a secular chorus.
Cross-posted from the Lounge