They are despicable bigots. They are the very epitome of violent fear tactics.
And yet, they are still allowed to march in Washington and say their despicable bigoted bullshit.
I guess they should expect African Americans to shoot the place up because bigotry.
When Neo Nazis are allowed to march and spread their hatred, they should expect Jews (and African Americans again) to shoot them up because bigotry.
So, when one of these yahoos (just Google some of the Republican candidates' stance on atheism) starts spouting their anti-atheist crap, do we get a pass if we were to shoot the place up? No, I don't think we would.
The first amendment does not protect just the speech we like. It protects it ALL. Some of that speech, I find hurtful and some of it angers me... most of the shit Geller said included. BUT they still get to say it because that's what is guaranteed by our constitution.
Killing someone over words or cartoons or anything else that angers you IS ON THE KILLERS. Fuck that noise that says that they lacked all self control because they were provoked. REALLY??? In any other arena than religion that shit would so not fly. If an African American shot up a gathering of the KKK, the most likely result would be the blame would rest squarely on them and NO ONE would say "well, they were provoked.".
I'm just gobsmacked to see how much twisting goes on to protect religion from the very same rules and regulations that govern ALL other areas of our lives.
If I see some Republican talking about women as if we were no better than cattle, I do not get to shoot them. I just don't, no matter how much it hurts, scares or angers me.