In order to lose a battle, someone has to win. And cancer dies as soon as I do so it can't win.
Besides, that's such a cliche. People don't lose their battle against diabetes or heart disease. .. They die from it. This whole battle talk makes it seem like we cancer patients can use willpower to beat cancer, and implies the ones who don't are losers. That's too much pressure!
Anyways guys, I'm still alive and kicking. My last CT scan showed everything was stable. The cancer isn't shrinking, but it isn't growing or spreading either so I still have a little time left. I'm already past my expiration date but I will hopefully get a little warning before things fall of the track. What we suspect will happen is that eventually some portion of the cancer will become resistant and then, if some last ditch chemo or trial doesn't stop it, I'll have about a 6 month count down.
Right now, I'm just looking to enjoy the summer. My 36th birthday is in June and making it until then is my next goal. I'm hoping I'll be strong enough to do some traveling. Other than that, I spend most of my days just relaxing, playing video games, and writing poetry. My poetry has been well received by my palliative care nursing staff and has apparently been read and dessiminated among the nursing staff and patients in the cancer, palliative care and hospice ward. Right now I'm working on putting together a book of my best poems. Is my "legacy" so to speak.
Anyhow hang tight guys. I always mean to stop by more often to keep you guys from worrying so much by I'm extremely distracted constantly. I think that has a lot to do with the chemo. I promise I'll give a better update in the next couple of weeks. I'm on my phone and its hard to write long posts on this thing.
P.S. I'm still looking super forward to the game star citizen and squadran 42 coming out, so if any of you are into it, I plan on starting a squad of killer peacekeepers.