About that "Christian Persecution" thing. [View all]
Not sure if I will be able to get my point across, but here goes.
Fox blowhards like Billo, are crying about Christians being killed by ISIS as proof that Christians are being persecuted. While it is tragic that anyone is the victim of murderous thugs, I don't think they have anything to make a specific issue of. They aren't being killed because they are Christians, they are being killed because they are not extremist Muslims. Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, and anyone else who gets in their way have their necks at risk.
Rather, I see this as yet another example of religion's primary directive: Exterminate all who do not believe our Holy Book. Either by conversion or by the sword, opposing beliefs are not to be accepted. While some evangelists may claim that they are just trying to spread love, none of them are willing to let it stop there, they must have your conversion or they will keep talking. ISIS takes their evangelism to the extreme, but this is nothing new where religion is concerned.
The only group that is being persecuted, as always, is the atheists. And it comes from every direction. Even here on DU, comments by atheists are often alerted on, and often hid. And it's not Just in the middle east either, the streets of Paris aren't safe from religious extremists. So spare me the persecution crap.