The art exhibit. [View all]
A brilliant artist created a spectacular art installation, a room filled with awe and wonder. She wished to share her work with the children of her nation, and so the installation was moved from school to school.
At one school the principal decided to conduct an experiment with two of the children. Both children were told that they must be very careful to not touch anything in the room, because the art was very fragile and precious and even the slightest touch from a hand could permanently ruin it. The first child was told this, and that she was on her own in the room to take in the sublime beauty of the piece without any interference. The second child was told that she would be watched the entire time by the principal through a hole in the ceiling of the room. Further she was told that if she touched anything she would be severely punished, but that if she did not touch anything she would get ice cream and cake as a reward.
Both children decided to do the right thing, to just experience as best they could the art in the room.
Which child was more moral?
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