Prehistoric Cave Paintings Show That Ancient People Had Pretty Advanced Knowledge of Astronomy [View all]
Prehistoric Cave Paintings Show That Ancient People Had Pretty Advanced Knowledge of Astronomy
Astronomy is one of humanitys oldest obsessions, reaching back all the way to prehistoric times. Long before the Scientific Revolution taught us that the Sun is at the center of the Solar System, or modern astronomy revealed the true extend of our galaxy and the Universe, ancient peoples were looking up at the night sky and finding patterns in the stars.
For some time, scholars believed that an understanding of complex astronomical phenomena (like the precession of the equinoxes) did not predate the ancient Greeks. However, researchers from the Universities of Edinburgh and Kent recently revealed findings that show how ancient cave paintings that date back to 40,000 years ago may in fact be astronomical calendars that monitored the equinoxes and kept track of major events.
The teams study, Decoding European Palaeolithic Art: Extremely Ancient knowledge of Precession of the Equinoxes, recently appeared in the Athens Journal of History. The study team included Martin B. Sweatman (an associate professor at the University of Edinburghs School of Engineering) and Alistair Coombs a researcher and PhD candidate with the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Kent.
Together, Sweatman and Coombs studied the details of Paleolithic and Neolithic art featuring animal symbols at sites located in Turkey, Spain, France and Germany. What they found was that all of these sites used the same method of date-keeping, even though the artwork was created by people living tens of thousands of kilometers and years apart.