and if you want something about documents and records then you can go to the confiscation that took place in Lebanon in the early '80's. If you wish an author who writes about some aspects of this "intentional disappearing" of documents etc. then here you go and you can spend the hours going through the multiple other authors and researchers she cites and that follow from there. That is just from a document perspective. There are others about attacks on mosques, temples, holy sites, historical sites by sides not just in Gaza but throughout the Middle East. These tactics are not unique to the Middle East and have been used around the world since ancient times by parties in conflict with each other. Plundering and ruin are a common matter. You are also welcome to explore another link about documents, etc. regarding the matter in Lebanon I referenced earlier.
Another example of these kinds of appropriations and/or destruction of cultural things is the confiscation of records, documents, assets etc. of Jews and others by the Nazis. As I've stated elsewhere ( I'll give you the post) this was often done to erase or make more difficult any claims to property etc. and for other purposes as I stated in the linked post. It is not an exhaustive recitation of every nuance or aspect because I'm not trying to write a book about it. The behavior described goes on, has gone on and will go on as long as sides have armed conflicts with each other or the means to suppress the other in some ways.