Safest bet is chicken, fried or grilled.
Kentucky Fried Chicken does big business during Ramadan. In Malaysia it isn't unusual to find two Kentucky Fried Chicken on both sides of the road at the same cross street. I remember eating at a Kentucky Fried Chicken at Ramadan and the whole restaurant was waiting for the minute to start. They all were looking at their watches and trying to figure out who had the time that would allow them to eat at the right (and fastest time)
If you arrive just after the time to eat they will know that you took the effort to research it.
I would caution against casserole with rice because sub continent and Asians are used to rice they have grown up with and may find the rice you use unusual. (American rice is hard compared to Thai rice and Japanese rice is wet to the Thai taste.)
You are to be applauded for being so thoughtful, wish you were my neighbor.
edited to add:
I don't think you should be overly cautious or worry about doing anything that is potentially offensive.
The will know that you made a special effort to provide something that are a lot of people would be too reticent to try but the fact that you tried to do something that is common to every day life will be appreciated. I know that the Muslims in my family would be absolutely delighted, they will tell all their friends about it for the next year and will wonder what you might bring next year. In the meantime they will respond to your hospitality by a factor of 5.
Good luck.