The republican brand [View all]
for now and evermore if they do not pass a virus stimulus relief package before this holiday season starts will be that they chose politics over humanity. Even if they do, it will be forever remembered as a sorrowful season for many in the immediate and extended families of those who have passed because of the republican pResident and party response to the Corona virus.
Maybe somebody can put this better. Fear and terror mixed with hope and prayer.
This holiday season will be laid on the republican party's history for many Americans:
No Thanksgiving turkey or meal because there is no money to have Thanksgiving. Perhaps not being able to have family reunions because of their handling of the CoVid response (travel restrictions because of health concerns and/or lack of money).
No Christmas decorations, or trees, or gifts because of having no money for them, or even just visitations for many.
It is on you republicans.
Not a happy New Year's Eve but one with many prayers and/or hopes for the new year. The event chart may apply to the citizenry at large but for tRump personally his progressed Mars/Neptune midpoint of fear and terror is conjunct the event East Point - an exact 90 degree square to the chart's MC. He will know his time in office is legally coming to an end shortly and his worst nightmare will begin.