The main one being Magic the Gathering. My main issue with table top games is that ability to find other people to play the games. When I was younger I'd play Samurai Swords, and Axis and Allies, D and D, Vampire the Mas/Werewolf the Apoc, and Risk. I found it very hard to find other people to play the games with, and I fell out of playing, except with Magic(taught my wife).
I wish I could find a decent group of table top gamers, because I see a lot of board/minature games that look amazing, but I have no idea how to play, or if investing money into it would be worth it, if the only person I can play against is my wife, or by myself....
I have a hard time finding Magic players...wait, I have a hard time finding sane Magic players, most of the guys I play against are too critical/to the rule types who think they are Gods Gift to the rule system, and what cards you can, or can't use and it kills the fun factor. Usually I spend 99% of the time debating cards, and the rules, and it is very aggravating(at times I had issue with this with Dungeon Masters).