that's why i started this thread. Let's talk about other things besides video games.
You mentioned CCGs. I had a bad addiction to Magic a few years ago, bad enough that I stay away from it now. I'd end up spending all my time going to tourneys, etc.
I still think Lim-Dul's Vault is the most powerful card I ever saw, and it's an unrestricted uncommon. If you're not familiar with it, it's an instant that costs one blue and one black to cast.
It lets you look at the top five cards on your deck and put them back in any order. If you like, you can pay one life, put those five on the bottom, and sort the next five, repeating as long as you have life and want to do it. Back when you could have four Drain Life, it was almost broken.
I greatly enjoyed the Highlander CCG. I actually have a beta test deck laying around somewhere. I don't know if it's still in print.
Star Wars was supposed to be a great game, although I never had the money to get into another game.
My favourite may be Net Runner, also by Wizards of the Coast. It was a cyberpunk/hacking game where you had two decks, one for each game, one hacker and one being hacked. Lots of fun.